another summer has gone by, and it passed just as quick as last the last. The best thing about summer is that you don't actually have to accomplish anything, because it is summer. An idea that lingers from the annual ritual of childhood that occurred between the months of june and september; its hard to shake the want to relax when that time comes every year since there are no periods of long term recreation in the workforce. But you might feel disappointed come august when it starts to get dimmer outside and you realize you didn't soak up as much sun as you wanted. This is the time we all get back to normal. The buses will return to the roads, curfews will be reinstated, the beaches will get cold. And don't feel too badly about the things you didn't get to this summer. there is always next year... right?
Here's something I spent the whole morning on, I didn't want to let the summer go with out at least one spectacular piece.

This little number is my "sleeping kitty dream" necklace, created today out of instantaneous inspiration. Made of brass, both antiqued and some bright yellow brass. Some gold plated findings in there also. the charms range from semi-precious stones, shells, a coin, stars and a ceramic cat charm.
I also wanted to post a photo of my "fruit stripes" bracelet with a slight detail variation. I changed the white bow to a black bow and the difference is dramatic.

the rest of the year is going to fly by.
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